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Sergio Rodriguez

Work Experience

Senior SRE


Aug 2021 - Current
  • Shutdown $14,000/mo worth of GCP VMs after leading a migration away from Chef-managed StatsD onto Kubernetes.
  • Saved Etsy $7,000 in 4 months by automatically removing inactive Buildkite users with a custom Golang application.
  • Removed developer friction, and lowered the chance of user error, by migrating Google Cloud assets from a self-hosted Terraform and Jenkins flow to Terraform Cloud.
  • Reduced code sprawl by consolidating Jsonnet libraries from several repositories into one common source repo.
  • Created, and updated, Prometheus/Loki alerts and their corresponding runbooks. Provided Kubernetes, Jsonnet, and Bazel support to other Etsy teams while on-call.

Software Engineer

Jan 2019 - Mar 2021
  • Saved 1 hour per week per engineering team by automating the generation, and deployment, of Kubernetes job manifests whenever developers added integration tests to an Astra microservice.
  • Implemented automatic feature branch deployment/tear-down using Kubernetes namespaces with 20-50 feature branches active in the Kubernetes dev environment at a given time due to its successful adoption.
  • Eliminated 4-8 hours of biweekly configuration work by migrating off of a self-hosted Spinnaker instance onto Harness (SaaS Continuous Delivery product).
  • Reduced on-call time-to-resolution from ~30-60 minutes to less than 10 with the addition of runbook scripts.
  • Lead post-mortems and wrote up root cause analysis documentation. Reviewed microservice SLIs, error counts, and request latency with other engineers at the end of every on-call rotation.

DevOps Engineer

Jun 2015 - Jan 2019
  • Reduced DB snapshot restoration time from 2 hours to under 15 minutes by replacing mysqldump with Aurora clones.
  • Stopped the recurrence of OOM killer events by moving memory-intensive data science jobs on Jenkins to AWS Batch.
  • Added a Jenkins pipeline job so developers can self-provision UAT instances using Terraform. This was heavily used for feature branch testing and increased developer confidence that a merge would not be rolled back.
  • Introduced Consul so that services can self-register and report their own health. This data allowed for the addition of a custom dashboard showing the active commit SHA for all microservices as well as a dynamic HAProxy configuration.
  • Implemented solution using user activity logs and open source software (ElastAlert) to identify and alert on web scraping activity so that offending accounts can be disabled in near real-time.

Platform Engineer

May 2013 - May 2015
  • Added, and configured, Open Source Chef Server, which would become host to a dynamic EC2 server fleet that ranged from 100 to 300 Chef clients.
  • Set up a metric collection suite consisting of Sensu, Graphite, and Grafana, a front-end dashboard for Graphite.
  • Used Rundeck to automate several tasks related to monitoring and deployment (e.g. restarting EC2 nodes failing status checks).
  • Configured Logstash to parse, and alert on, specific thresholds within Java API logs.

Technologies used: Ruby, Chef, Nagios, Sensu, Rundeck, lsyncd, Graphite, Grafana, ELK Stack (Elasticsearch, Logstash, Kibana)

Junior DevOps Engineer

Dec 2012 - May 2013

Technologies used: Ruby, Chef, Nagios, Collectd, Graphite, Vagrant


Bachelor of Engineering in Civil Engineering

Stevens Institute of Technology

Aug 2006 - May 2011