Cologne, Germany

Sebastian Majstorovic, Digital Historian & Data Consultant

I find the stories in your data.


  • Applied AI
  • Data wrangling
  • Dataset curation
  • Data visualisation
  • Geovisualisation
  • Content mining
  • Document processing
  • Digital preservation
  • Web archiving
  • No-code tools
  • Remote collaboration
  • Multimedia processing

Digital Skills

Languages & formats
Python, JavaScript, Ruby, SQL, GraphQL, SPARQL, HTML, CSS, CSV, XML, JSON/GeoJSON, Parquet
Haystack, LangChain, spaCy, Jupyter notebooks, Pandas, Streamlit, Gradio, Node.js, Anaconda, OpenCV
Applied AI
NLP, NER, LLMs, Prompt Engineering, Document Q&A, Text Summarization, Semantic Search, Machine Translation, OCR, Face Detection, Film restoration
Data sources
PostgreSQL, DuckDB, MySQL/MariaDB, MongoDB, SQLite, APIs, Vector Stores, RDF Stores, Knowledge Bases, Wikidata, S3, Web Archives, PDFs
Tools, Flourish, OpenRefine, Airtable, Baserow, Flowmap, n8n, Flowise,, ollama, LM Studio
Docker, Ansible, Git, AWS, Wasabi, Netlify, Vercel, Google Colab, Self-hosted

Current Projects

Jan 2023 - Current

CAPASIA: The Asian Origins of Global Capitalism, Digital Historian

Jan 2023 - Current

International research project at European University Institute funded by ERC Advanced Grant


  • Technical design of online collaborative research environment
  • Data modelling and geovisualisation of research data
  • AI-based extraction of people, locations and organisations using NER from historical sources
  • Use of LLMs to extract tabular data from historical documents
  • Semantic search across large historical corpora
Feb 2022 - Current

SUCHO: Saving Ukrainian Cultural Heritage Online, Co-Founder

Feb 2022 - Current

Grassroots volunteer initiative of 1,500+ researchers, librarians and technologists supporting the digital preservation of Ukrainian cultural heritage.


  • Design of the cloud architecture needed to preserve over 5,000 Ukrainian websites cultural heritage websites and 100TB+ of cultural data
  • Fundraised ~ 300,000€ for digitisation hardware for Ukrainian institutions
  • Distributed digitisation equipment and cash donations to several dozen institutions
  • Partnerships with international organisations, e.g. UNESCO, ICOM, Europeana, Internet Archive, and technology partners, e.g. AWS, Wasabi, Digital Ocean


May 2024 - Current

Eleuther AI, Open Data Specialist

May 2024 - Current

Curation of pre-training Machine Learning datasets from openly licensed and public domain data

Jan 2023 - Current

Storytracer, Digital Historian & Data Consultant

Jan 2023 - Current
  • Freelance consulting of international clients from the tech, science, and non-profit sectors
  • Data wrangling, analysis, and visualization
  • Development of information retrieval solutions for large, unstructured document collections
  • Experimental comparison of open source AI models, frameworks, libraries, and tools
Feb 2024 - Apr 2024

Bavarian State Library, Academic Librarian

Feb 2024 - Apr 2024

Digital Librarian in the Eastern European Section

Jan 2022 - Jan 2023

Austrian Academy of Sciences, IT Consultant for Digital Humanities

Jan 2022 - Jan 2023

Austrian Centre for Digital Humanities and Cultural Heritage, Vienna

  • Consulting and support for digital research projects
  • Technical consulting & budget and personnel cost planning during application submission
  • Interlocutor between project leaders, funding bodies, technicians, institute management, and administration
May 2009 - Aug 2016

appealing apps, Software Developer

May 2009 - Aug 2016

Freelance full-stack developer of web and mobile applications


Sep 2018 - Sep 2023

European University Institute, Researcher

Sep 2018 - Sep 2023

PhD not completed, received Master of Research in History

Sep 2016 - Aug 2018

University College London, MA, Economy, State & Society: History & Society

Sep 2016 - Aug 2018

Interdisciplinary Eastern European area studies with a specialization in the history of Southeastern Europe; Second Year in Belgrade

Grade: Distinction (A)

Sep 2013 - Jun 2016

Queen Mary University of London, BA, History & Film Studies

Sep 2013 - Jun 2016

Grade: First Class Degree (A)

Talks (selection)

Mar 2023

DhD2023 Keynote, Open Culture meets Digital Activism: Saving Ukrainian Cultural Heritage Online (SUCHO)

Mar 2023

Opening Keynote at the annual conference of the German Digital Humanities association

Sep 2022

Europeana 2022, "Collaborative Preservation of Cultural Heritage: Saving Ukrainian Cultural Heritage Online (SUCHO)"

Sep 2022

Talk on digital preservation and remote grassroots collaboration at the Europeana 2022 conference

Jun 2022

AWS Europe Kick Off Event, "Cultural Heritage and the Cloud"

Jun 2022

Speech at AWS Europe Public Sector kick-off event on the particular needs and use cases for the cloud for non-profit organisations


Sep 2023

European Heritage Award, European Commission / Europa Nostra

Sep 2023

Grand Prix of the European Heritage Awards in the category Heritage Champions for SUCHO

Media appearances (selection)


Feb 2022 - Current

SUCHO, Saving Ukrainian Cultural Heritage Online

Feb 2022 - Current

Co-founder of international volunteer initiative for the emergency rescue and preservation of Ukrainian digital cultural heritage

Aug 2019 - Current

Radio Cavolo

Aug 2019 - Current

Co-founder & technical director of researcher-run web radio of the European University Institute

Professional Memberships

German, European and International Associations for Digital Humanities
Europeana Network Association
Network for Digital Cultural Heritage professionals
Royal Historical Society
British Historical Society, Early Career Member
German Historical Society
AG Digitale Geschichtswissenschaft
Digital History working group of the VHD
German Museum Association


Native speaker
Native speaker level