Things I did include:
I was responsible of many things, including:
I was responsible of many things, including:
I was responsible to build and maintain the administrative portal for our recommender engine.
Design and development of an automatic fake reviews generator based on neural networks.
Design and development of an automated tool to systematically alter JavaScript code for testing purposes.
A library for React apps written in TypeScript that adds reveal animations using the Intersection Observer API to detect when the elements appear in the viewport. Animations are internally provided by Emotion and implemented as CSS Animations to benefit from hardware acceleration.
My personal website where I share who I am, personal thoughts, public projects and stuff that might be interesting for other developers.
I developed an HTML5/JS audio player running on nw.js with waveform visualization and near real-time audio filters.
Training activities in middle and high schools for the prevention of homophobic bullying; volunteer group coordinator in "Arcigay Trieste/Gorizia" non-profit association.