Full stack engineer in highly autonomous architecture and implementation roles focused on distributed, scalable, stateless, queue driven data processing with supporting front end SPAs and HTTP APIs.
Backend processing upgrade - Queue and pub/sub communication pipeline; internal workflow SDK; scalable on cloud resources
Continuous integration and delivery - Automated unit testing on PR requests; build and deploy scripts for both client app and back end services; dev/test/prod environments; GitFlow based repository branching strategy
Architect full stack web app - Angular single page app; routing; web components; remote module loading; reactive state management; HTTP API backend
Python/Docker machine learning prototype - Pandas/SciKit Learn/XGBoost; Docker based deploy to cloud VMs; bash script for auto resource allocation and cleanup
Single page client app (Knockout and Browserify), HTTP API backend; SQL database with ORM
iOS sync service, client and backend
Founder / Software Engineer
IntelliCrop - Weather and Soil Spatial Analytics
2010 - 2012
Scalable, cloud based daily processing of weather data dumps and corresponding models; web app with HTTP API backend; continuous integration and automated deployment