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Kemal Akkoyun

Senior Software Engineer
Reasoned Software Engineer, DevOps Enthusiast who has the necessary skills and mindset, Full-Cycle Engineer and Full-Stack Developer (yes, the "frontend” is not strong with this one)First principle thinker who still believes agile!Human (not Cylon, I guess)I love building Distributed, Real-time and broker-based systems at scale.I love everything about programming languages, runtime systems and infrastructure as code.I also believe each programming language represents a philosophy and a community around it. As Alan Perlis said, "A language that doesn’t affect the way you think about programming, is not worth knowing."Elixir/Erlang zealot. Gopher. Java brewer. Pythonista. Rubyist.Occasional JavaScript Ninja but resents in every occasion. Retired(at least for now) mobile application developer (native Android and iOS). Born in planet of Racket.

Work Experience


Senior Software Engineer

Jun 2017 - Current

Developing, programming and designing several cloud services, backends and web applications.Using mainly Elixir/Phoenix, Ruby/Grape/Rails, Amazon Web Services, Terraform, Docker, Puppet, Kubernetes, ElasticSearch, Redis, MySQL, PostgreSQL and RabbitMQ. Additionally, using Python/Tornado, Java/Spring/Dropwizard and Marathon/Mesos.

Vispera Information Technologies

Software Engineer

Aug 2014 - May 2017

LEAD SOFTWARE ENGINEER (September 2016 - May 2017, 8 months)Lead Web, Cloud and Mobile team.Designed, architect and developed cloud and mobile solutions, end-to-end. Mentored and trained engineers. Ensured shipment of web, cloud and mobile products.SOFTWARE ENGINEER (August 2014 - September 2016, 2 years)Took full responsible for development of cloud and mobile services.Developed, programmed and designed several cloud services, backends and web applications.Designed, developed several mobile applications. Deployed and maintained several web applications and services.Helped to develop native desktop applications and services for internal usage and operations.Mentored and trained engineers.Using Amazon Web Services, Azure, Linode, Java/Android, Ruby/Rails, JavaScript/React, Python/Django, C++/Qt, Redis, PostgeSQL, MySQL.


Junior Software Engineer

Oct 2012 - May 2016

Took end-to-end responsibility, through life-cycle of several software products.Programmed, developed and helped to design mobile applications for various products. Programmed, developed and maintained various web services and web applications for various products.Using Objective-C/iOS, Java/Android, C#/Windows Phone 7/8, C#/Windows 8, Ruby/Rails, Python/Django, Redis, PostgeSQL.


Boğaziçi University

Dropout, M. Sc. Computer Engineering

2016 - 2017