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Pierre Saïkali

Full Stack Web and Mobile Developer
Tours, France



+33 2 42 22 00 10
I’m specialized in tailoring functional digital solutions from frontend to backend.

Freelance Web & Mobile Developer


Jun 2010 - Current

Proficient in an assortment of technologies, including PHP (advanced WordPress & WooCommerce) and JavaScript (React JS & React Native).

I am able to effectively self-manage during independent projects, as well as collaborate in a team setting.

Featured Freelance Projects


Mobile App + Backend Developer

2021 - 2022

Project consisted of creating an iOS/Android application fully integrated with a custom WordPress backend developed from scratch for a local collaborative baby-sitting & products-rental startup:

  • The mobile app uses a React Native codebase (using Expo for easier development workflow).
  • The backend is a custom WordPress solution with a Laravel/Eloquent ORM for some entities. Heavy use of the WordPress Rest API (custom routes) with JWT authentication.
  • Firebase Firestore is used to store user chat messages and events, with React Gifted Chat used for the frontend. The Firebase PHP SDK is also used on the server-side to inject system/event messages in the chats.
  • Read the case study → or Watch a demo video here →


Mobile App + Backend Developer

2019 - Current

Project consisted of creating an Android application fully integrated with a custom WordPress backend from scratch, for a French startup specializing in analyzing agricultural silos fan systems.

  • The mobile app uses a React Native codebase (using AppCenter CodePush for easier over-the-air updates).
  • Backend is a fully customized WordPress system coded from scratch. An advanced report documents creation tool has been coded using both PHP and React JS (for specific interactive modules like heavy-calculation-based tables, dynamic charts, etc.).
  • Heavy use of the WordPress Rest API (custom routes) with JWT authentication.
  • Read the case study → or Watch a demo video here →


WordPress + WooCommerce Developer

2020 - Current

Project consisted of creating a WooCommerce marketplace (using WC Product Vendors) and developing a highly-customized vendor frontend dashboard with multiple customer and vendor-oriented features (wishlists, shop-following tool, Q&As, etc.), and admin tools.

  • Use of WooCommerce and WCPV alongside WC Subscriptions, development of a custom WordPress plugin for all specific features created from scratch, use of React JS for specific modules (featured products calendar system for admins, ads planning system for vendors).
  • Read the case study → or Watch a demo video here →


Full-Stack Developer

2019 - 2020

A personal side-project that consisted of developing an all-in-one WordPress solution for restaurant and food-truck owners with a focus on menu management and ready-made visual assets generation for promotion on social networks.

  • Use of WordPress and ACF for all the custom forms and user flows.

  • A React JS module works alongside a PHP API (using the Intervention library) to manage the automatic creation of promotional/marketing images.

  • The project was later sold to a client to become Miam.Store:

    • addition of a custom cart and checkout flow (using React JS and ACF) fully integrated with a custom payment API (with 3D Secure and SMS validation),
    • development of custom React JS modules to visualize and manage orders in real-time.
  • Read the case study → or Watch a demo video here →


WordPress + WooCommerce Developer

2017 - Current

Project consisted of developing a custom WordPress theme and backend for a home renovation directory website.

  • The frontend uses a custom responsive theme built with Roots Sage/WPack.io. All user flows and forms have been carefully handcrafted following WordPress best practices.
  • A custom WooCommerce Subscriptions process has been set up to allow members to purchase premium options to promote their business on the site.
  • Development of various automated tasks to outsource the latest leads to partner APIs, send transactional emails to subscribers, or fetch company details from third-party APIs.
  • Development of a custom module to retrieve, adapt and import data from the previous PHP/SQL legacy system into the new WordPress structure.
  • Read the case study →


PHP, WordPress, WooCommerce, modern JavaScript, React JS, React Native, Redux, Firebase, Laravel, Rest APIs
Git, SSH, NPM/Yarn, Composer, WP CLI, Action Scheduler, Lando, Vagrant/VVV, Expo
Object-oriented programming, MVC, DRY, separation of concerns, convention over configuration, OWASP risks
“Big picture” thinker, problem solver, curious and avid learner


WordCamp Europe


2017 - 2022

I volunteered at WordCamp Europe 2017 (Paris), 2018 (Belgrade), 2019 (Berlin), and 2022 (Porto) where I managed several areas such as registration, swag station, workshops and attendees assistance.


Coding review team

2018 - Current

I am part of the backend coding review team at Codeable where I analyze the code quality of plugins sent by new applicants and provide constructive feedback.



Native speaker
Highly proficient


  • Cooking
  • Fitness
  • Biking
  • Badminton
  • Indoor climbing
  • Reading
  • VR video games