1. Sidney
Sidney is a perfect choice for the majority of job applications. It's our most popular resume template.
Minimalist, clean, and eye-catching.
Recruiters love the one-column layout with generous whitespace because its easy to scan and identify relevant information.
Applicant tracking systems are getting smarter, but Sidney's
one-column layout with clear headings makes it a safe choice if
you are concerned.

Resume Formatting
Sidney's simple resume format is optimized for readability, with a
touch of personalization. Choose a custom color for your monogram
to make it yours, without distracting the reader.

Resume Font
The heading and body font is LFT Etica byLeftloft.

“LFT Etica has become a de facto choice for web design and has proven versatile in applications where the ratio between information and space becomes an important challenge.”
Resume Builder
Apply with confidence using this modern, professional, and simple resume template.

Resume Sections
Sidney supports the usual sections: contact information, summary, work experience, education, skills, and more. Sections can be reordered to create a functional resume, chronological resume, or hybrid resume layout.
Contact information
At the top of the resume and easy to read. Everything needed to schedule an interview.
Resume summary
Highlight your strengths without taking too much attention from your professional experience.
Work experience
Bold company name headers emphasize where you worked. Scannable job titles and bullet points make it easy to understand what you did there.
Education section
Focused on school name and degree, with the option to include GPA, awards, etc.
Skills section
Simple for hiring managers to check for the required soft skills and hard skills.